Good morning Rosalind from New Zealand.
I have just subscribed to your newsletter and I am most impressed with your many, many words of wisdom.
I have just begun researching the possibility of becoming involved in Internet Marketing and I am beginning to see what an absolute minefield of information, both helpful & unhelpful, true & false, hype or honesty it can be.
You are so right when you say, …. Everyone and his brother is going to try and sell you their online business
secrets, so…
I came upon your site and I have to say, judging by your wealth of information, links and other stuff as yet unfamiliar to me, I am now very inclined to stop “surfing” and trust you and only you. I did click on a few sites that looked good, left my email address on a few and have been literally bombarded with stuff ever since. From leaving my address on your site I have received 4 emails only, all of which I requested and none were unsolicited. (One was about your book I have bought). I am impressed. I tend to trust my instincts about human nature and once again I don’t think they will let me down. Your honesty is causing me to follow your advice only, at least for the time being until I find my way round this vast business. I realise this could take some weeks or months or even years to learn. I totally switch off the “Get Rich Today” hype and I am prepared to hear one voice only and follow it. It is yours and I feel very comfortable with it.
Please wish me luck as I devour your Newsletters and anything else that comes from you. I am very excited about Affiliate Marketing/ Internet Marketing and I am taking time out from my current Real Estate career of 26 years to learn as much as I can. I have for some time wanted to change direction but not found anything that has excited me until I discovered the world of Internet Marketing.
I look forward to more wonderful info from Rosalind Gardner .
Kind regards,
Tui McKenzie
New Zealand.
PS. I found the article with the video of your office at home but dont seem to be able to open it. Doesn’t really matter because your have script describing the contents which is incredibly helpful but it would be nice to “see”.